I am going to take you back today... back to the psychedelic 70's!! This woman that needed no surgical enhancement of any kind and was a, "Baaaad motherfu... SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" I am sure we all remember Shaft's would-be counter part, "Foxy Brown", "Coffy" aka Pam Grier.
Roger Ebert, in his review of Coffy, actually noted that Grier "was an actress of beautiful face and astonishing form and that she possessed a kind of "physical life" missing from other actresses." Damn, sounds to me as if Pam almost straightened Roger out...

Blaxplotation actress in the 70's Pam was a stand out, later in here career she was a series regular on Miami Vice, appeared on the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and her popularity resurgence began after landing the lead in Quentin Taratino's "Jackie Brown", which was actually a homage to her earlier work. Ms. Grier can now be seen regularly on Showtimes, The L Word, playing the sister of another long time actress and beauty, Jennifer Beals.
"...I know I've influenced people, and I'm proud of that. But as I see it, I really haven't done anything... Foxy Brown [the rap artist] actually approached me at the start of her career to ask if she could use the name. I told her, 'You didn't need to ask.' If you're an independent woman, every woman is Foxy Brown"
Sorry Pam, every woman isn't Foxy Brown... but we sure wish they were. Thanks for doin' your own "damn thang" back in the day!