Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The fact that the entire video for the single was shot on an Iphone should have independent artist salivating and music video makers shaking in their boots. The video IS pretty damn good! (all edited with Adobe After Effects)
Kudos Goshone.
Labels: first music video shot on Iphone, goshone, music, tech
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
"NikeiD Bespoke is a new and innovative by appointment design experience offering consumers the opportunity to work one-on-one with Nike design consultants to customize select Nike footwear styles. Globally exclusive to 21 Mercer [in SoHo, New York... where eles?], Nike Sportswear’s first stand-alone retail space is the natural evolution of Nike’s personalization and customization offering, first brought to consumers with in 1999."NikeiD Bespoke takes individual design to new heights with an unparalleled, creative individual design experience. It provides consumers with the greatest design freedom ever offered by NikeiD. Launching with the iconic Air Force 1 sneaker, consumers will be able to create a unique design by customizing up to 31 parts of the shoe, including the base, overlay, accent, lining, stitching, outsole, laces and deubré. Consumers will also be able to choose from 82 premium, iconic materials and color options.
The Air Force 1 material options were meticulously selected to represent Nike’s heritage and innovation through the perspective of Nike Sportswear. Exclusive options include iconic Nike material prints Elephant and Safari – a design first used in 1987 by Tinker Hatfield who utilized two naturally occurring patterns on his Nike Air Safari running shoe and Nike Air Assault basketball shoe. Additional premium options include premium full grain suede, nubuck and leathers, Italian full grain patent leather, premium denim and reflective synthetic leathers.
I will be updating shortly with pricing details.
Labels: Air Force 1, custom sneakers, Nike iD Bespoke, sneaker culture
Monday, December 8, 2008
Asian, Latin, and French Canadian mixed nicely for Misa Campos who has become a sex symbol the world over thanks to the proliferation of her pictures across the internet.

In addition to her duties as the face of Rocawear for Canada, Misa soon became a regular fixture within the pages of such magazines as Version C Models Magazine, Uno Magazine, and DragSport (for the latter, she was named Model of the Month in December of ’06). Misa’s big break came when she was featured as one of Maxim magazine’s “Show Us Something” girls in September of 2006, and she was also named an IGN DVD Babe of the Day in 2007.
Labels: Extended Weekend Women, Misa Campos
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Labels: Happy Thanskgiving
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's a documented fact, even before Men are from Mars,Women are from Venus, that Men and Women, think and react differently. For instance, consider a trip to the ATM:
1 Drive up to the cash machine. 2 Put down your car window. 3 Insert card into machine and enter PIN. 4 Enter amount of cash required and withdraw. 5 Retrieve card, cash and receipt. 6 Put window up. 7 Drive off.
1 Drive up to cash machine. 2 Reverse back the required amount to align car window to machine. 3 Set parking Brake, Put the window down. 4 Find handbag, remove all contents onto passenger seat to locate card. 5 Turn the radio down. 6 Attempt to insert card into machine. 7 Attempt to insert card into machine. 8 Open car door to allow easier access to machine due to its excessive distance from the car. 9 Insert card. 10 Re-insert card the right side up 11 Dig through handbag to find diary with your PIN written on the inside back page. 12 Enter PIN. 13 Press cancel and re-enter correct PIN. 14 Enter amount of cash required. 15 Check make up in rear view mirror. 16 Retrieve cash and receipt. 17 Empty handbag again to locate wallet and place cash inside. 18 Place receipt in back of checkbook. 19 Re-check make-up again. 20 Drive forwards 2 feet. 21 Reverse back to cash machine. 22 Retrieve card. 23 Re-empty hand bag, locate card holder, and place card into the slot provided. 24 Give appropriate one-fingered hand signal to irate male drivers queuing behind. 25 Restart stalled engine and pull off. 26 Drive for 2 to 3 miles. 27 Release Parking Brake.
This joke has been posted and emailed around the internet for some time but the part that rings most true for me is a woman's need to do 10 different things when they get into their parked cars and none of those things include driving. My Grandmother, Mother, past girlfriends, and Mrs. Padrone all fall prey to this phenomenon... Frankly, I am not sure what they are doing when they get into to their cars.
As a child, my mom would rush us (my 2 brothers and I) to the car to head to the grocery store, the mall, the movies or wherever. Without fail she would get us all in, seat belted, and settled, then she would start to check make up, make sure she has her shopping list, and adjust the mirror (of the car that only she drove every single day). Mind you, we were in the car under the threat of being left at home or spanked because we weren't moving fast enough. And if it was a hot summer day, not only were we rushed to the car faster than usual but we would sit - motionless, car not started, no AC - even longer (or so it seemed). While she primped, excavated her purse, and conducted more mirror and gauge checks than an airline pilot. All while we literally melted, got heat rash from the leather seats, and suffered from dehydration... And so it was, until I started driving myself.
Then there is Mrs. P. who basically illustrates the fact that we, Men, all look for our mothers in our future wives, at least on some levels because dammit she does the same thing my Mom did! And it drives me nuts! It is definitely a woman thing, and no I can't understand. What the hell are you ladies doing when you get into your car?
I was prompted to blog about this after several incidents of me waiting on a parking spot for over 7 minutes. It definitely reminded me of my Mom and Mrs. Padrone's habit, but furthermore I may be suffering from "Parking Syndrome" because I started to fell hot, dehydrated and general dis-ease. Under most circumstances, 7 minutes isn't long but when you are caused to block traffic, because some lady is doing her make-up, talking/texting on the cell, puttering around in the car, or checking the mirrors of the car she just got out of 5 minutes ago - it's a big problem! I have actually been working on a theory called "The Butterfly Effect of Female Car Parking." Which states that most traffic in Los Angeles can be directly correlated to women taking over 7 minutes to get out of their parking space. Look for it to published shortly. And for the love of children everywhere, please don't let them suffer in the heat (or extreme cold), while you meander around the cabin of your vehicle, it's a borderline criminal offense.
It's simple ladies, when you get in the car, how about just starting the car, checking your rear view mirror for oncoming traffic, and getting on down the yellow brick road. It would be greatly appreciate, especially during the hectic holiday season.
Labels: Rant, Women at ATM, Women Parking
"I am debuting my new movie “I Am King” for my new fragrance “I Am King” which is available exclusively at Macy’s. This fragrance is dedicated to Barack Obama, Muhammad Ali, Martin Luther King and all you men out there who take care of your families and respect and treat yourself like the Kings that we are all. I would like to also announce that this is my audition tape for the next James Bond. There is a black president and it’s time for there to be a black Bond. God Bless."I don't believe the hype... if Mr. Combs were to actually back up his "beliefs," that we were all Kings, and this product is in recognition of Obama, King, and Ali then it would make sense to donate a portion of the profits (at the very least) to their foundations.
I won't comment on the Black James Bond except to say, we do not need a black James Bond, however we do need a black character that is as cool as Bond. It has been a while since Shaft and Axel Foley.
As for P Diddy: NO, NEVER, HELL NO... Not you P. Diddy, not you. You can never be the Black James Bond.
And may I suggest an alternative to the "I am King" fragrance - Sex Panther, available here.
Enough said.
Labels: New James Bond, P-Diddy, Sex Panther
Monday, November 24, 2008
This weeks, Extended Weekend Women is 2 for 1 special, exhibited in two flavors. Introducing Tanya Ballinger and Kitana Baker.
While Kitana has appeared on various TV shows (Wild On E!, Fast Lane, Big Shot and The Man Show)and music videos (Tommy Lee, Mack 10, and Brian McKnight), you probably remember her best as half of the "Miller Lite Catfight Girls":
As for Miss Ballinger, I wasn't able to find out much about her or too many pictures of her. It seems besides showing up at the occasional Red Carpet event, Tanya has disappeared from the lime light. Stuff Magazine's photos may be the last bikini shots she has ever taken... It's unfortunate, she seems to be that the quintessential "All American Beauty".

In 2001, Playboy hired Kitana to work on a TV show for their network called 'Strip Search' and featured her in 'Playboy's College Girls', 'Playboy's Wet & Wild' and 'Playboy's Book of Lingerie' special edition books, as well as their 'Playboy's College Girls' calendar, where she was Miss December. The producers of the show 'Night Calls 411' took an interest in her, and given that she already worked for Playboy — the channel that airs the 'Night Calls' show - signed her on immediately, and she's now appears on the second and fourth Wednesday each month .

In the meantime look for Kitana in Toxic with Percy "Master P" Miller and Dominique Swain and a small role in the Asian comedy White On Rice
And a note to Advertising Execs everywhere, I don't drink beer but if there were more commercials like this, I may change my mind... so simply put:
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This inaugural "Upgrade" post focuses on upgrading from that Coke can spiked with whiskey (that you think no ones knows about as you drive down Main St., USA) , trying your best to stow your fine cigar in tin foil which is all stuffed haphazardly into a plastic 7-11 bag. Real classy, huh? The answer gentlemen should be a resounding, No!
Start-up company, Max Benjamin, targeting the luxury-conscious traveler, introduces a way for you to actually project an image worth emulating. It's their opinion that a mini cigar bar should always be within arm's reach and therefore they have created The Mini Cigar Bar, a deluxe messenger bag that comes equipped with just about everything you need to transport your cigar wares with class.
Crafted in fine leather with metal detailing and locking clasps, the parcel's cushioned interior is partitioned into three sections large enough to fit three bottles of your favorite spirit. The leather dividers in the bag are adjustable and perfect for a bottle of Sailor Jerry's Spiced Rum. Be sure to check out the new Fall Edition, designed in Crocodile embossed leather (below, right)
This fine accessory comes equipped with all of the accouterments: a quartet set of acrylic tumblers a torch flame lighter, a cylindrical cedar-lined travel humidor (7-9 cigar capacity) and another insulated, cylindrical container, which keeps ice...icy, for up to 4 hours without leakage. The pack also sports three secure pockets on the front for any other little accessories you may need. The handy Velcro flap, can be used to fasten the bag to a golf cart or to the top of a piece of roller luggage, showing that Max Benjamin has thought of everything.
Just in time for the holidays, The Mini on sale now for $267 and is only available at
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Even now Mrs. Padrone and I battle it out with our knowledge of words (I will give it to her, she is quite the wordsmith). We have been known to enjoy a good round of scrabble (she has only won twice). And we both tend to toss our lexicon with reckless abandon and affectations rarely used in our normal discourse, especially if we are in a friendly "debate". I once lost $10 to her because I wasn't familiar with "peccadillo". We chave an ongoing battle battle over the proper use of "prescribe" and "subscribe"(look it up, they're interchangeable), and she has been known to use the wrong word (or make up one) if I rush her to make a point. It's kind of cute.
Goverment or Goverment Name, pronounced: "Gov'mint": someone's actual name recognized by the government, and on official ID. kept secret by most thugs who use their alias, street, hood, nick - name. |
Obviously, I am not a marketing genius. But isn't it common sense to have a name that conjures up an image somewhee in the realm of what your company does, produces, or at least mentions the names of the people that own the company? The names above conjure images of various items that have nothing to do with: Snacks (Twingr), Lord of The Rings character(Bajca), Diseases (Plista... yuck!) - or quite frankly just some made up bullshit. No offense to the companies, I am sure they do, whatever they do, very well. It's worth noting too, that most of the companies aforementioned were taken from the past weeks posts over at and they all were getting enormous amounts of money (re: millions!) to do... what they do. Maybe I should come up with a silly gibberish name and pitch it to raise millions in capital to fund another social network or app that we don't really need. Better yet maybe I should just start buying up any words I hear toddlers speak and sell the domain's to the highest bidder. Unfortunately, I may have already been beat to the punch.
Look, I enjoy words whether they're used counter-culturally, connotatively, contemplatively, or counter-intuitively... their use is relevant depending on how, when, and by whom they are used. But this trend of silly sounding names for social networks and apps really must cease. It's not cute, funny, or clever. Just like the recent trend in television commercials that don't show the product they're advertising, but splash the brand name at the end of it so that we know a name (in most case we still have no clue what they are selling), it's utter nonsense...but that's a topic for another post!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
German startup, Cellity has unveiled Addressbook 2.0, for mobile phones, now available in a private beta. The application will allow those who still use a basic cell phone to aggregate data from across their emails, social networks, and standard address books into a single intuitive application, bringing the functionality of a smartphone to an estimated 650 more basic phones that support the Java platform, a significant marketshare not covered by the likes of the Iphone.
To get started, users import their friend lists from social networks including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, as well as from email clients like Outlook. The service will automatically detect when a friend is found on multiple social networks and aggregate their data under a single profile without creating duplicates. Also since address books generated using social networks can grow very large very quickly, the site offers an online control panel to manage contacts. Users can create a database consisting of thousands of entries to be stored in the cloud, picking out the few dozen that they use most regularly to be stored on the phone (they can access the full list from their phones if they ever need it). The online panel also allows includes the same features of the mobile app, allowing users to place cheap calls (currently just over their own network), send text messages, and update social network statuses.
From the screen shots, Addressbook 2.0's design is very polished,and hopefully they will live up to their potential, especially if they maintain their focus on traditional address book functionality as opposed to attempting to mobilize social networking, where plenty of competitors exist.via Techcrunch
Labels: Addressbook 2.0, Cellity,, Technology
Monday, November 17, 2008
K.D. Aubert (born Karen Denise Aubert) was born in Shreveport, Louisiana and is of Creole descent. She speaks French, and was a self-confessed tomboy growing up.
In addition to Victoria’s Secret and Frederick’s of Hollywood, K.D. has modeled for Noxema, AT&T, Wilson’s Leather, and Escada. She’s also appeared in ads for Bacardi and as one of the “Fantanas” (four attractive girls who can’t seem to stop dancing because they’re so excited by the taste of Fanta soft drinks). Not to mention being ranked in Maxim's Hot 100 in 2003 and 2004. As for the comparison to Ms. Jolie... judge for yourself.
KD Aubert definitely seems to have mastered the ability to look innocent and still sex it up at will. We will be watching Ms. Aubert.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Arkitel 61 is inspired by Puma's first soccer boot, the updated version is like a modern day driving shoe, great for taking long rides up the Pacific Coast Highway.

The Rennnshue 2, is a modern take on Puma's first track spike. The spikes are now replaced with a rubber sole, leaving the clean, foot hugging, outer silhouette that Pumas does so well in many of their best kicks, which provides pure comfort.
Expect to drop a $100.00 or more to own these cool "cats."
Labels: PUMA, Puma Arkitel 61, Puma Rennschuh 2, sneaker culture